Wall Street Mint Silver Bars

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Whenever one hears of the name Wall Street, the immediate idea that comes into mind is nothing less than the stock market itself. While most individuals automatically think of investment and stocks, as well as large cadres of ultra-elite banking systems whenever Wall Street is mentioned, not everyone is aware that Wall Street also has its hand in the international bullion market. In the world of silver bullion investment, Wall Street minted bullion pieces have become quite popular as of recently not only due to the artistic superiority of some of their bullion pieces, but also for their easy global liquidity. With a name trusted the world over for its dealings with the higher end of the financial spectrum, Wall Street silver bullion pieces are not only prime investment material, but highly sought-after collector pieces as well.

Wall Street Mint Silver Bar
Wall Street Mint Silver Bar
- ten troy ounces

Wall Street Mint 100 Troy Ounce Silver Bar
Wall Street Mint Silver Bar
- 100 troy ounces

The silver investment hype can be said to have begun sometime during the early 1970s, where silver became prime material to act as an investment hedge against the unstable economy, more so since private possession of gold bullion was still illegal until it became repealed in December of 1974[1]. From the 1970s onwards, silver went on to become the second primary investment hedge against monetary drawbacks that came about due to the ever fluctuating status of stocks, bonds, and the economy in general, preceded by the more ‘precious’ gold. It was during these times when silver became highly sought after that the Wall Street Mint decided to create their silver bullion bars in line with some other mints that have produced high-quality bullion to meet the soaring demand for silver as an investment material.

Large-Scale Silver Investments

During those days, the market was generally focused on large-scale investments involving large quantities of precious metals under time deposit or private storage. Because of this, Wall Street Mint followed suit with the vogue of the times by developing 100 oz silver bars, or more specifically ingots to meet the demands. These very large and hefty silver bars were prime investment pieces for individuals who wished to store vast amounts of wealth in a form that would not depreciate regardless of the economic instabilities. To this day, the Wall Street Mint 100 oz silver ingots are one of the most popular choices for investment. Made from .999 fine pure silver, and poured into moulds, resulting in large, uniform silver bars weighing a total of 6.86 pounds. These bars are then struck with the Wall Street Mint’s name, as well as its weight and fineness on the obverse side of the bar. Unlike smaller bullion pieces, these large 100 oz silver bars lack any fancy markings or even a mirror finish, as these are meant for long-term storage, and once bought, are rarely, if ever seen outside of a fortified high-security vault, and only taken out for extremely large purchases[2]. These 100 oz silver bars are liquefiable anywhere in the world and are backed up for its authenticity and purity by the Wall Street Mint and its legion of loyal assayers as they are universally accepted trading units.

Individuals who are interested in smaller investments will be happy to purchase one of their most popular silver bars to date – the ten ounce ‘World Trade Center’ commemorative silver bullion bar. Shaped like many ‘small’ silver bars in the stereotypical rectangular blank, the World Trade Center commemorative bar was specially designed by the Wall Street Mint in 2002 to commemorate the tragic incidents of 9/11. Depicting the New York City skyline with the Twin Towers before its tragic destruction on the obverse in extremely ornate detail against a mirror-finish backdrop, these bullion pieces prove to be one of the most popular and trusted means to invest in silver bars[3]. It also features the inscriptions ‘WALL STREET MINT’ alongside its silver fineness and weight on the obverse. Made from .999 fine pure silver, and carries the monograms of Wall Street (‘WSM’) on the reverse side of the bar. Because of its portability and innate beauty, these 10 oz silver bars are among the most sought after of the Wall Street Mint’s line of bullion investment pieces.


[1] http://wallstreetsilverbars.blogspot.com
[2] http://www.tulving.com/bullion/generic_silver_bullion_bars.htm
[3] http://www.montanararities.com/amark-silver-bar-10oz.html
[4] http://wallstreetrarities.com

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